The Users tab (Settings > Access Management > Users) displays a list of users who have a Clumio account in this organization. From the Users tab, you can change the name of the organization, invite users to Clumio, change the status of Clumio users, and delete users.
The Users tab displays the following information:
- Name: The name of the user in this organization.
- Email address: The company email address used to send the Clumio activation message.
- Assigned role and organizational unit: The role assigned to a user and the number of organizational units that user is a member of.
- Last activity: The last time a user logged in to Clumio
- Status: A user’s status for this account. Users can change the status of other users but not their own status. Users can be in one of the following statuses:
- Activated: Users in Activated status can log in to Clumio and perform all administrative functions.
- Invited: Users in Invited status have been invited via email invitation to log in to Clumio, and the invitation is pending acceptance from the user. The user has 7 days from the invitation date to accept the invitation before the invitation expires.
- Suspended: Users in Suspended status have been manually suspended by a Clumio user and cannot log into Clumio until a Clumio user reactivates the account.
- Actions: Delete a user or view or generate an audit report for that user.
All users in Clumio have the same administrative privileges. If a user belongs to multiple organizations, the changes made to this organization do not affect the other organizations.
Invite a user
- Go to Administration > Access Management > Users.
- Click Invite user. The Invite user dialog displays.
- Complete the following fields:
- Full Name: Enter the user's full name.
- Email Address: Enter the user’s work email address. Personal email addresses, including ones that end with,, and, are not allowed. If you need to register an account with one of these domains, reach out to Clumio support.
- Organizational Unit: Assign the user to one or more organizational units. This field only appears if organizational units are set up for your company.
- Role: Select a role for the user.
- Click Invite. A user has 7 days to activate their account before the invitation expires.
Change a user role
- Go to Administration > Access Management > Users, and click the edit icon next to the user’s role. The Change User Role dialog displays.
- Choose the desired user role, and click Change Role. A confirmation message displays.
Suspend a user
To suspend a user who is in Activated or Invited status to prevent them from logging in to the system, proceed as follows.
- Go to Administration > Access Management > Users.
- Click the down arrow in the Status column next to the user's status, and click Suspend. The Suspend user dialog displays.
- Click Suspend User to suspend the user, preventing the user from logging in to Clumio. You can reactivate the user at any time.
Activate a suspended user
To activate a user who is in Suspended status, reverting the user’s status back to the status they were in before they were suspended, proceed as follows.
- Go to Administration > Access Management > Users.
- Click the down arrow in the Status column next to the suspended user you want to activate, and click Activate. The Activate user dialog displays.
- Click Activate User to activate the user. The user’s status reverts to Invited or Activated – depending on what their status was before they were suspended.
Delete a user
Once a user account is deleted from the system, it can no longer be recovered. To delete a user, proceed as follows.
- Go to Administration > Access Management > Users.
- Click the Delete icon in the Actions column for the user you want to delete. The Delete user dialog displays.
- Click Delete User.
Rename an organization
When you rename an organization, the new name takes affect immediately. Users who are currently logged in will not see the name change until they log out and log back in.
- Go to Administration > Access Management > Users.
- Click Edit next to the current name of the organization. The Edit your organization name dialog displays.
- Enter the new organization name.
- Click Update. The new name displays. Users will see the new organization name the next time they log in to the system.
Updated about 1 year ago