S3 backups
Once the seed backup is complete, all subsequent backups are incremental and are generated based on the policy’s configured schedule. The seed backup might take a while to complete if the number and size of the objects is large.
For generated backups, you can enable a start time and a time zone.
Protect Amazon S3 assets
To set up protection for your Amazon S3 buckets, you must first connect to the AWS environment through Clumio see Connecting an AWS account.
For existing CloudFormation connections: If you have existing AWS environments connected to Clumio that contain S3 buckets you want to protect, you must first update the CloudFormation Template for those environments. Navigate to AWS > Connect and select the account that contains the S3 buckets to be protected.
- Click the Action column and select Edit from the menu.
- Select the region that contains the S3 bucket(s) and click Next.
- Select S3 from the Supported asset types list and then click Update CloudFormation template.
- Clumio uses protection groups to protect S3 assets. You must first create a protection group that contains the S3 buckets with the assets to protect and then apply a policy to that protection group.
S3 backup types
The primary backup options available for Amazon S3 are SecureVault and Backtrack. Additionally, continuous backup can be enabled for either option.
SecureVault and Backtrack offer the following advantages:
- SecureVault uses a secondary copy to provide recovery from all types of data loss at additional storage cost.
- Backtrack uses S3 versioning to enable fast, simple, and highly scalable rollback to a previous bucket state.
Continuous backup
Clumio offers a continuous backup option for S3 buckets. Once continuous backup is enabled, your protected S3 buckets are synchronized at regular intervals if any updates have taken place. Clumio checks every 15 minutes to see if the number of object updates exceeds 32, if there are no updates or the number is below 32, Clumio waits for the next 15 minute interval until either the number of updates exceeds 32 or it has been one hour since the last time it synchronized with the status of the S3 buckets.
Continuous backup can be enabled for any bucket including unprotected buckets (i.e. buckets that are not part of a protection group). However, if you enable continuous backup for unprotected buckets, a backup is not taken unless the bucket is assigned to a protection group with a valid S3 protection policy and the initial seeding backup is finished.
Enabling continuous backup
- On the navigation panel go to AWS > Inventory > S3 buckets .
- Select the buckets for which you want to enable continuous backup from the table and click Enable on the Continuous backup drop down menu.
- The Continuous backup column in the table will indicate that the feature has been enabled for the selected buckets.
Disabling continuous backup
- In the navigation pane, go to AWS > Inventory > S3 buckets .
- Select the buckets for which you want to disable continuous backup from the Active S3 buckets table and click Disable on the Continuous Backup drop down.
- The Continuous Backup column in the table will indicate that the feature has been disabled for the selected buckets.
Clumio Backtrack
Clumio Backtrack for S3 is an in-account version management and recovery solution that includes the ability to roll back a bucket to a point in time and to bulk undo delete markers.
- To use Backtrack, enable S3 Versioning on your buckets in AWS. See Enabling versioning on buckets in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide for more information.
- To bulk undo delete markers, enable continuous backup on your buckets. See "Enabling continuous backup" above.
- Backtrack is not compatible with the Glacier storage class, except Glacier Instant Retrieval.
To enable Backtrack, you enable it in your S3 backup policy. See S3 polices for more information.
Partial backups
A partial backup occurs when some objects in a protection group are not backed up. Protection groups can contain many buckets or objects from different buckets, and, in some cases, some objects are not backed up.
When a partial backup occurs, an alert is generated. You can view the alerts on the Alerts page. The backup is marked as a Partial SecureVault Backup, and it provides information about the objects that were not backed up. You can preview the list of objects or put the entire list of objects in your bucket.
A likely cause of failure to back up some objects is inadequate permissions for Clumio to backup the object. You can use the CSV file to review the permissions on the failed objects and verify the permissions.
You can also see if your protection groups have been completely backed up or only partially backed up from the calendar view. The calendar view displays when you click the name of a protection group from the table on the S3 tab. A complete backup is indicated by a blue dot on the calendar and a partial backup is indicated by the half blue dot on the calendar.
Updated about 2 months ago