The Alerts page displays a list of alerts in your Clumio environment. By default, the page shows active alerts. Use the filter to show assets by severity level, or choose what kinds of alerts appear, for example specific assets or asset types or alerts for a specific date.
Managing alerts
On the Alerts page, click the arrow next to an alert to expand it. This shows a list of all occurrences for the associated alert. Alerts that share the same type and cause, and that are within the same parent entity or data source, are grouped together in the alerts table. For example, if three Policy Violated alerts occur on the same vCenter or AWS account, these alerts are grouped, or consolidated.
Your assigned role determines the actions you can do in the Clumio UI. For example, users who are assigned to the "Reporting/Audit Admin" role can only view alerts but not comment on or clear them.
For explanations of some alerts and how to resolve them, see the Knowledge Base section Alerts and Errors.
Clumio can send you email notifications for alerts that occur in the system. This ensures that administrators are aware of issues in the system, and are able to take appropriate actions when necessary.
Setting up email alerts
You can set up email notifications for alerts that occur in the system. This ensures that administrators are aware of issues in the system, and are able to take appropriate actions when necessary. To avoid an excessive number of messages, only consolidated alerts (such as policy violations) trigger email notifications. Emails are sent in 15-minute intervals.
To configure alert email notifications, or to edit the list of email recipients:
- Go to Alerts, and click the Alert notifications icon in the upper right corner. The Alert Notification Settings dialog displays.
- The Enable email notifications for alerts toggle is enabled by default. Click the toggle to disable email notifications (gray).
- In the Email Addresses box, enter the email addresses of the users that you want to receive alert notifications. Use a space between each entry. Click Save. A banner displays confirming the settings were saved.
- The list of users will receive an email with the subject message “Clumio Alert Notification” with the number of alerts that were generated. For example: “Clumio Alert Notification – 1 New Alert(s) From Last 15 Minutes”. The body of the email message can contain up to three alert boxes.
You can also set up Clumio to send a Daily Summary Email to a specified list of users. The Daily Summary Email includes protection statistics, backup and restore success rates, and alert issues. For more information, see send daily summary reports.
You can also send customized reports to specified email recipients on a recurring basis. For more information, see [Send daily summary reports](Send daily summary reports.html).
Clearing alerts
You may want to hide an alert after you have resolved it. You can change the alert status from Active to Cleared to move it off the list of active alerts. If you clear a top-level alert, you also clear all of the child alerts associated with it. You can also expand a top-level alert and clear individual alerts under it.
- For the alert you want to clear, click the Clear icon. The Clear Alert dialog displays.
- Enter a comment about the alert and click Clear. You cannot clear the alert until you enter a comment.
The alert moves from the Active list to the Cleared list.
Updated about 1 year ago