Operational tasks report

The Operational Tasks report displays SecureVault and Snap backup and restore activities for all assets protected by Clumio. By default, the report (named Default Report) is filtered to display data for the past seven (7)ย days. Specify a different interval to view the report details over another date range.

The bar chart displays the total number of backup, Snap, and restore tasks that ran each day, broken down into successful (green) versus failed (red) tasks.

Each line in the table represents a failed or successful backup, Snap, or restore event. For example, if an asset is scheduled to take daily backups but one day fails, retries and then succeeds, two lines will appear in the table:ย one for the failed backup and another for the successful backup.

The table in the Operational Tasks report has the following columns:

  • Start Time: The date and time the task started.
  • Asset: The name of the asset that the backup, Snap, or restore is happening on. Click the asset name to drill down to its details, including its protection history.
  • Task: The task type, such as the backup, Snap, or restore task, that was running on the asset and the status of the task. Green checkmarks represent successful tasks, while red x's represent failed tasks.
  • Duration: The length of time it took for the task to complete.
  • Transferred: The amount of data transferred out of your environment, measured in bytes. A transfer rate of 0ย B means that no data was transferred.
  • Throughput: The data transfer rate, measured in bytes per second. A throughput of NAย means that no data was transferred.

Set any of the following filters to narrow down report data:

  • Date range: select from the list of options, or select a custom date or range
  • Asset: select the asset or assets from the list that displays when you select this filter
  • Task: Backup or restore
  • Data Source: select one or more data sources for which to generate a report
  • Status: Success or failed

After you have applied filters to customize the report with the data you want to see, you can click Save As to save the filter settings for future reference.