EBS restores
EBS SecureVault backups can be restored from any unexpired backups. Since backups are saved in Clumio, you can browse and search the contents of a backup to restore individual files and folders. Backups expire after the retention period has lapsed, the backup is then destroyed and is no longer available to be restored.
EBS Snaps are stored in the AWS account and you cannot browse or search the contents of a Snap. Each Snap includes an expiry date after which it is no longer available to be restored. The expiry date is based on the retention schedule of the policy covering the backup.
Your assigned role determines the actions you can take in the UI. For example, users who are assigned to the "Backup Admin" role can perform all restores except for granular record retrieval. To learn more about roles, see Roles
EBS restores are performed from the protection history calendar of the EBS volume’s details page (AWS > Environments > [Account Number] > EBS Volumes > [EBS Volume ID]). The protection history calendar displays the dates with available SecureVault backups and Snaps. Refer to the legend below the calendar to understand the differnet types of backups that are available to restore. Click the date corresponding to the SecureVault backup or Snap you want to restore. A pop--up displays with a list of backups generated on that day.
Note:Granular restores are not supported for deduplication-enabled Windows volumes.
Basic vs Advanced restores
When you restore an EBS volume, you can choose to perform a basic or advanced restore.
- Perform a basic restore to restore the EBS volume with its original configurations back to the AWS account. The EBS volume is restored to the same account, creating a new EBS volume with the restored data. Currently, Clumio does not support in-place restore of EBS volumes.
- Perform an advanced restore to modify the EBS volume settings before restoring the volume, or restore the instance to a different location. Advanced restore configuration settings include the AWS account details, storage details, network settings, volume type, IOPS per volume, and AWS tags. The fields in the Advanced Restore window are ones that you can modify.
The settings that appear by default represent the settings that were configured at the time of backup. When restoring a SecureVault backup, the “From backup” label that displays in a drop-down represents the setting at the time of backup. Likewise, when restoring a Snap backup, the “From Snap” label that displays in the drop-down represents the setting when the Snap was taken.
EBS restore options
There are three ways to restore the contents of an EBS volume SecureVault backup:
- Restore the entire backup volume to the same account, creating a new volume to roll it back to an earlier point in time, or to a completely different location.
- Browse and restore folders and files within the backup. If the “Browse and Restore Files” button is disabled (grayed out) it means that the backup exceeds the limitation and therefore cannot support the browse and restore feature.
- Search for and restore single files within the backup. Search the backups for individual files by file name and restore the single file.
Snaps can only be restored to the same AWS account and saved as a separate instance.
Restore an EBS SecureVault backup
You can restore EBS volume backups from the EBS backups of both active and deleted EBS volumes.
Navigate to Restore > AWS > EBS Volumes. The Active EBS Volumes are displayed by default. If you are restoring a volume from a deleted AWS account, click Active EBS volumes and select Deleted EBS volumes filter.
Click the volume ID of the EBS volume backup you want to restore. A calendar view displays with blue dots on the dates for which volume backups are available, this is the default calendar view. To view a list of backups, click the list icon next to the search box. To switch back to a calendar view, click the calendar icon next to the search box.
In the calendar view, click the date with a blue dot corresponding to the backup you want to restore, a pop-up displays listing the backups that were generated on that day. In the list view each backup is listed individually, click the three-dot menu in the Restore column that corresponds to the date of the backup you want to restore, and select a restore option. Each backup includes an expiry date after which the backup is no longer available to be restored. The backup expiry date is based on the retention schedule set for the backup.
Select a backup you want to restore.
Click Restore EBS volume. The Restore EBS volume dialog displays.
Review the details. By default, the EBS volume will be restored to the same AWS account, region, and availability zone as the original volume, and with the AWS tags that were associated with the original volume. The “backup” icon represents the account number and availability zone settings of the original volume at the time of backup.
In the Restoring to section, optionally click Switch to Advanced Mode and edit the following fields to modify the volume details:
Optionally modify the other AWS-specific details:- EBS volume name: Enter a name for the volume. If you do not enter a name, Clumio assigns a random name starting with “vol-“ to the restored volume.
- Account number / region: Select a different AWS account number and region to where the restored volume will be saved.
- Availability zone: Select a different AWS availability zone to where the restored volume will be saved. Clumio only displays the availability zones in which subnets can be created. KMS Key ID: If a KMS Key ID appears in the field, it represents the key that was generated by you and used during the backup process to encrypt data. If a KMS key was used to encrypt the backup data, you must use a KMS key to decrypt the data during the restore.
If a KMS Key ID does not appear in the field, optionally enable or disable the field to enable or disable data encryption from your end. If you enable KMS Key ID, also enter the KMS key ID you generated through AWS Key Management Service. For example,
.- Type: You can change the type of the volume that is restored. The volume options available in the drop down are determined by the size of the volume to be restored. Certain volume types cannot be restored to other volume types based on the size restrictions. For example, you cannot restore a general purpose SSD (GP2) 1 GB volume to a provisioned IOPS (IO1) volume because the minimum required size is 4 GB. However, if you have a GP2 4 GB volume, you can convert this to IO1 as it fits the size IO1 size range. Refer to AWS documentation for more information about AWS volume types.
- IOPS: You can change the IOPS only if the volume type is GP3, IO1, or IO2. Refer to AWS documentation for more information about provisioned IOPS volumes.
- Tags: Add new tags to the volume or remove existing ones.
Click Restore. Clumio starts the EBS Restore task. Once the task completes, the backup is fully restored. Sign in to your AWS account through the AWS Management Console to see the restored volume.
Restore a file or folder from an EBS volume SecureVault backup
You can restore individual EBS folders and files from SecureVault Backups of both active and deleted EBS volumes. You cannot restore individual folders and files from EBS SecureVault backup Lite tier and Snaps.
- Navigate to Restore > AWS > EBS Volumes. The Active EBS Volumes window displays with a list of EBS volumes that have been inventoried into Clumio. If you are restoring a volume from a deleted AWS account, click Active EBS Volumes and select Deleted EBS Volumes.
- Click the volume ID of the EBS volume that contains the folders and files you want to restore. A detailed view of the volume displays. In the Protection History calendar, the dates with available SecureVault Backups are indicated by colored dots, refer to the legend below the calendar to understand the available backup types.
- Click a date with a dot corresponding to the backup with the files you want to restore. A pop-up with the protection history for the selected date displays listing the backups that were generated on that day. Each backup includes an expiry date after which the backup is no longer available to be restored. The backup expiry date is based on the retention schedule set for the backup. The backup size next to the expiry date indicates the utilized size of the volume when restored.
- Click Browse Files under the backup from which you want to restore files or folders. The Browse & Restore dialog displays with a list of file systems from which you can select files or folders to restore.
- Click a file system to see its folders and individual files. Click the checkbox next to the folders and/or file you want to restore. Repeat this for each of the file systems.
- Click Next: Summary to view a summary of the folders and files you have selected to restore.
- Click Next: Data Access.
- Choose Direct Download to download the files directly to a ZIP file on your local computer. You have access to the files, and can share them with users. Choose the Transparent Data Access (TDA) feature to securely share retrieved files directly with an end user. The retrieved files are protected by two-factor authentication. Only the specified end user can access the retrieved file. For more information, see securely sharing retrieved files.
- Click Restore. Clumio starts the EBS file restore task to restore the file you selected.
Restore an EBS Snap
You can restore EBS volume Snaps from the EBS backups of both active and deleted EBS volumes.
Navigate to Restore > AWS > EBS Volumes. The Active EBS Volumes window displays with a list of EBS volumes that have been inventoried into Clumio. If you are restoring a volume from a deleted AWS account, click Active EBS Volumes and select Deleted EBS Volumes.
Click the volume ID of the EBS volume Snap you want to restore. A detailed view of the volume appears. In the Protection History calendar, the dates with volume Snaps are highlighted with orange dots.
Click the date with an orange dot corresponding to the Snap you want to restore.
The protection history for the selected date appears listing the Snaps that were generated on that day. Each Snap includes an expiry date after which the Snap is no longer available to be restored. The Snap expiry date is based on the retention schedule set for the Snap. Unlike SecureVault Backups, you cannot browse the file system of a Snap, so all Snaps will be set to N/A indicating that they are not browsable. All file search results displayed will be for backups only. -
Select the Snap you want to restore.
Click Restore EBS Volume. The Restore EBS Volume dialog appears.
Review the details. By default, the EBS volume will be restored to the same AWS account, region, and availability zone as the original volume, and with the AWS tags that were associated with the original volume. The “snapshot” icon represents the account number and availability zone settings of the original volume at the time of Snap.
In the Restoring to section, optionally edit the following fields to modify the volume details (you may need to click Switch to Advanced Mode to edit some of the fields):
- EBS Volume Name: Enter a name for the volume. If you do not enter a name, Clumio restores the Snap back to the original volume.
- Availability Zone: Select a different AWS availability zone to where the restored volume will be saved. Clumio only displays the availability zones in which subnets can be created.
KMS Key ID: If a KMS Key ID appears in the field, it represents the key that was generated by you and used during the backup process to encrypt data. If a KMS key was used to encrypt the backup data, you must use a KMS key (either the same one or a different one) to unencrypt the data during the restore.
If a KMS Key ID does not appear in the field, optionally enable or disable the field to enable or disable data encryption. If you enable KMS Key ID, enter the KMS key ID you generated through AWS Key Management Service. For example,
.- Tags: Add new tags to the volume or remove existing ones.
Click Restore. Clumio starts the EBS Restore task. Once the task completes, the Snap is fully restored. Sign in to your AWS account through the AWS Management Console to see the restored volume. If the original EBS volume was on AWS Outpost, the Snap is restored directly back to the Outpost.
Sharing retrieved files and folders
There are two ways to share the file or folder you want to retrieve:
Transparent Data Access
The Transparent Data Access (TDA) feature allows you to securely share retrieved files directly with an end user. If you choose the TDA option when starting a restore task, then when the task is complete, the specified end user receives an email containing a link to the file. Only the specified end-user can access the retrieved file, which is protected by two-factor authentication.Clumio generates a passcode for each restored file. Share the passcode with the end user who will receive the retrieved files. Clumio recommends giving the passcode to the user verbally. Do not send the passcode through email.
When the retrieval process is complete, the end user receives an email with a link to the location of the retrieved file. The user must provide the passcode to access the file. The passcode and file location link expire after 24 hours.
- Browse or search for and select files and folders you want to restore. The Transparent Data Access dialog displays.
- Select Allow someone to download the requested file(s) by providing a download link via email. Enter the user’s email address and an optional message. The user’s email domain must be the same as the Clumio administrator’s email domain.
- Click Initiate Restore to begin the restore process.
- A secure passcode dislplays. Copy this and send it to the end user. When you click Done, dialog box closes and the passcode disappears and cannot be retrieved. Do not share the passcode through email. Clumio recommends alternatives like a telephone call, text message, or internal ticketing system.
- To resend the email, click on the email icon on the Restored Files card for this asset. Additional end user recipients can also be added by clicking on the “add email” link.
- To invalidate the current passcode, click Regenerate Passcode in the Restored Files card for this asset. The existing passcode is invalidated and a new passcode is created.
Direct file download
Save the folders or files you want to retrieve to a ZIP file which downloads and saves to your local machine. You can then share this ZIP file.
- Browse or search for and select files and folders you want to restore. The Transparent Data Access dialog displays.
- Choose Direct Download to download the files directly to a ZIP file on your local computer. You have access to the files, and can share them with users.
- Click Initiate Restore. Clumio starts the File Restore task to restore the file you selected. The file is packaged into a single ZIP file. When the task is complete, the ZIP file is ready to be downloaded.
- The Restored Files card displays a list of downloadable files containing the folder and file level restores that have been generated, and the expiry date for each ZIP file. The ZIP file for the file restore that you just generated appears at the top of the list, ready to be downloaded. Once a record has expired, you will no longer be able to download it.
- In the Restored Files card, click the download icon to download the ZIP file to your local machine.
- Unzip the file. The file that you selected to restore is labeled with a randomly-generated UUID. Open the folder to see the file with its folder structure preserved.
Updated 7 months ago