Managing protection rules

Creating a protection rule

  1. Navigate to Policies > AWS Protection Rules > Create Protection Rule.
  2. Type a name for the rule.
  3. Next, choose the conditions to apply the rule:
    1. Select an asset type. You can select one or more asset types.
    2. Select an account or multiple accounts to apply the rule. The default is โ€˜Any accountโ€™ which means the rule will apply to any existing or new account added in the future that meet the conditions defined in the rule as well.
    3. Select a region or multiple regions to apply the rule. The default is โ€˜Any regionโ€™ which means that the rule will apply to any region that meets the conditions defined in the rule.
    4. Select a tag or multiple tags to apply the rule. You can apply a rule to a specific tag by choosing 'This Tag', or to a specific string in a tag by choosing 'Tag Contains'. If you choose 'Any of these tags' Clumio, applies an OR condition and the rule applies to any one of the tags when encountered on an asset. If you choose 'All of these tags' Clumio applies an AND condition and the rule applies only when all tags are encountered on an asset.
      You can define a tag in Clumio and then apply the same tag later on to your assets in AWS. Clumio automatically applies the relevant Protection Rule when it encounters that tag.
      Important: If not tags are defined, the rule will match against any assets in any account defined in the condition.
  4. Select a policy to apply to assets that match the rule. You can select from existing policies or you can click Create a new policy, and use the wizard to create a new policy. You can also edit a policy by clicking the shield icon on any of the data sources. See Clumio backup for more information about backup policies.
  5. Set the priority for the rule. Priority determines which rule takes precedence when the same asset matches more than one rule. An asset can only be covered by one rule.
  6. The Rule Summary page displays the conditions you selected for the rule. Click the icon to edit the rule name, applicable policies, or the rule priority.
  7. Preview the impact of the rule (optional), click Preview Assets. Clumio determines which assets will be impacted by the new rule. This may take a few minutes to compile in large environments with lots of assets.
  8. Click Create Rule to commit the change. You can choose to skip the preview and commit the new rule from the Rule Summary page.

The new rule is displayed in order of priority on the Protection Rules tab of the Policies page.

Changing the priority of a protection rule

  1. Navigate to Policies > AWS Protection Rules.
  2. Hover over the rule for which you want to change the priority to highlight it.
  3. Click the icon displayed to the left of the rule, two arrows display. Click the arrow to move the rule up or down by one place. Keep clicking until it is at the priority level you want.

Deleting a protection rule

  1. Navigate to Policies > AWS Protection Rules and click the delete icon to open the Delete Protection Rule dialog. A summary of the rule displays.
  2. Click Preview Assets to see which assets will be impacted by deleting this rule. The preview indicates how many assets will lose protection, how many assets will change to a new rule or policy, and the total number of assets impacted by deleting the rule.
  3. Or skip the preview and click Delete Rule.