Consumption report

The Consumption Report displays the credit consumption details of all assets backed up by Clumio. You can view your consumption data in credits, dollars (cost per credit), or usage metrics (GBย consumed).

The top right corner displays the total number of credits currently available, the daily credit usage, and the number of days that your credits are valid.

By default, the report (named Default Report) is filtered to display data about the credits consumed for the past seven (7)ย days for the organizational unit that you are logged into when you view the report. Specify a different interval to view the report details over another date range. You can also specify whether you want to view the data by credits consumed, dollars (cost per credit), or usage, by selecting the appropriate option from the View by drop-down list. Select one or more of the Asset Type filters to narrow down report data. Once you've specified the time interval, the Organizational Unit, and the Asset type filter, you can export the report to a CSV file that you can download. The file is available to download for 48 hours.

You can also choose to display the data as a line chart or a bar graph. The legend indicates the different resource types for which data is available. Hover over the chart to display a summary of the data.

The Rate Card table has the following columns:

  • Product: The asset type
  • Operation: the type of operation performed on the asset
  • Unit Metered: the unit that is metered for the operation performed on the asset
  • Credits/Unit: the number of credits used per unit
  • Dollar/Unit: the cost per credit consumed

The table has the following tabs for which you can view this information

  • All: displays all the resource types that are protected by Clumio>
  • Active: displays the resources types that currently protected by Clumio in your organization
  • Volume: displays the EBS volumes protected by Clumio
  • Object: displays the Protection Groups protected by Clumio
  • Compute: displays EC2 and VMs protected by Clumio
  • Database: displays the databases e.g. RDS Aurora, RDS, Non-Aurora,DynamoDB, MS SQL, protected by Clumio
  • User: displays users protected by Clumio