S3 policies
An S3 backup policy defines when a backup of a protection group should be performed and how long that backup should be retained. Your use case should determine how long you want to retain your backups and which storage tier to use to store those backups. For example, in a ransomware use case, you could choose to store your data in SecureVault Standard tier for one month, whereas for an archival use case, you could choose to store data in SecureVault Archive tier for several years. The minimum retention period for SecureVault Standard tier is 30 days and for the SecureVault Archive tier is six months.
Create an S3 policy
- In the navigation pane, go to Protect > Backup policies.
- Click Create. The Create policy wizard appears.
- Enter a name for the policy.
- From the Add asset types list, select the S3. The Configure S3 screen appears.
- Specify the backup frequency. You can change the number of days between backups, and you can change how long to retain backups. The options are months or years. The default is 3 months.
- You can enable Clumio Backtrack, which is an in-account version management and recovery solution that includes the ability to roll back a bucket to a point in time and to bulk undo delete markers.
- You can specify a backup window. If you don't select a specific time, the backup window is for 24 hours.
- Specify the backup destination. In-region backups are kept in the same region as the asset being backed up. If you select a different region as the asset being backed up (out-of-region) to store your backups, additional AWS transfer fees may apply. Note: Once a target region is configured in a policy and applied to a protection group (either for in-region backup or a specific target region), it cannot be changed for that protection group or any of its child S3 assets. See Migrating to S3 out-of-region backup for more information.
- Specify the backup tier. See SecureVault backup tier options for more information.
- Click Add. The Create policy screen appears. Review your selections. You can edit frequency and retention settings, as well as backup window and location options from this screen.
- Click Save.
Next, to apply the policy to a protection group. See create a protection rule for more information.
To delete, edit and manage your policies, see Managing protection policies.
Updated 4 months ago