Alert: VM Tag Retrieval Error


Alert Type: SecureVault Backup Completed with Errors

Alert Raised On:Time when alert is raised 

Alert Cleared On: If the alert is cleared, the timestamp is visible her 

Datasource: Datasource name

Asset: Number of entities (click inside alert to find out individual entities)

Cause: "Backup VM tag retrieval error" alert appears after the following issue: 

"Failed to retrieve tags for the VM(s) at time of backup because Clumio could not connect to the VMware tag manager. The backup task(s) will continue without recording the tags of the VM(s)."

The error string is caused by a permission-related issue in the vCenter environment while retrieving tags. 

This alert is just a warning, not a task failure. The task continues to run.

This failure means that VMware VM tags are not retrieved and will not be a part of the backup. If you restore this data, these tags are not preserved. If you are using tags-based workflows and require that these tags be present on restored VMs, you will need to manually add them after restoration.

Contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.