Alert: Cloud Connector Unhealthy


Alert Type: Backup Failed

Alert Raised On:Time period when the backup failed

Alert Cleared On: Timestamp of the alert if it was cleared

Datasource: Name of the datasource

Entity: Number of entities (click inside alert to find out individual entities)

Cause: Backup(s) failed because the Cloud Connector is unhealthy. Contact Clumio Support. The cause of your backup failures is due to the Cloud Connectors being down, hence Clumio runs out of capacity for backup/restores.


When you see this alert in the UI, there might have been several backups failed due to the Cloud Connector being disconnected. The immediate solution is to make sure you get the Cloud Connector back online in the following ways

  1. Log in to the Clumio Portal and check connector settings under VMware>Vcenter>Gear Icon>Cloud Connector Settings
  2. Log in to the Cloud Connector UI (through vsphere) and hit apply
  3. After 2-3 mins, repeat step 1 and confirm cloud connector says healthy

Contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.