Response Codes

The Clumio REST API uses the following HTTP status codes:

HTTP Status CodesDescription
200 OKSuccessful
201 CreatedThe request has led to the creation of a resource on the server.
202 AcceptedThe request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
400 Bad RequestInvalid action or missing data. Refer to the error message in the response payload for more information.
401 UnauthorizedToken expired. Re-authenticate into the REST API.
403 ForbiddenClient not authorized to perform this action.
404 Not FoundResource not found.
409 ConflictDuplicate item, such as user, data source, or policy, specified.
412 Precondition FailedAction being performed does not meet certain preconditions. Refer to the error message in the response payload for more information.
429 Too Many RequestsRequest failed due to API rate-limit throttling. After some back-off time, retry the request. For more information, go to API Throttling.

A 200 OK status code confirms that the REST API action was successful. A 201 Created status code indicates that the request has led to the creation of the resource on the server. A 202 Accepted status code confirms that the request has been accepted and is in progress. All other responses generate a 4xx status code indicating an unsuccessful action that requires resolution. Go to the HTTP Status Code chart for steps on how to resolve the issue.